3 Causes or Triggers of Psoriasis
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease characterized by long duration and a particular set of symptoms. These symptoms include raised areas of abnormal skin. Alongside this one will typically find red or purple discoloration. This can range from a small area of skin to complete coverage of one’s entire body. Additionally one will find specific causes or triggers which worsen these symptoms in people already diagnosed with psoriasis. Most people find three specific psoriasis triggers especially worrisome: 1. Weather Weather is one of the most overlooked triggers for psoriasis. This can be best understood by remembering the most common symptoms of psoriasis. The symptoms tend to involve one’s skin becoming dry, irritated and discolored. This is very similar to what people without psoriasis experience during the dry and cold winter months. When considering this one shouldn’t be surprised to find that the same cold weather can often act as a trigger for psoriasis symptoms. Thankfully this can be prevented by carefully managing indoor environments during the winter. One should choose baths over showers in order to build up moisture in the skin. Moisturizing creams and ointments can help as well. Finally, a humidifier can raise the overall humidity in a room even in the midst of the driest winter day.
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