7 High Cholesterol Foods to Avoid
There are two types of cholesterol namely low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). LDL contributes to the build-up of fat in the arteries. It narrows the arteries, increasing the risk of heart attack, stroke or peripheral artery disease. Thus, LDL is known as bad cholesterol. HDL (good cholesterol), in healthy levels, helps prevent heart attack and stroke.
To avoid complications from high cholesterol, you need to avoid some foods high with cholesterol:
1. Full fat dairy
There is a range of fatty acids in milk fat. Some of the fatty acids affect cholesterol-rich lipoproteins. Saturated fatty acids in milk increase total plasma cholesterol. Full fat milk products like cheese, full-fat ice cream, and whole-fat yoghurt contain a lot of saturated fat. The saturated fat increases health risks as it has high cholesterol concentration.
2. Butter
There are many uses for butter. It is a common ingredient in many foods such as cakes, toast and pancakes. However, it can immensely contribute to high cholesterol levels in the body. As a product of milk, butter contains high levels of cholesterol. Thus, to avoid the risks of high cholesterol levels, it is necessary to swap to healthier low-cholesterol alternatives.
3. Fried fast foods
Fast foods, especially deep Fried chicken and French fries, are very popular today. Many people love to enjoy a crunchy delicious dish. However, deep fried fast foods also expose you to a huge health risk. They contain a high amount of cholesterol per dish. Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils used to deep fry food have huge amounts of trans fats. They increase in the food. The hydrogenated vegetable oils have a high cholesterol content. Deep-frying fast foods and snacks turns the food into high-cholesterol foods. Snacks such as fries, cookies, and potato chips thus become unhealthy.
4. Processed baked goods
Muffins, cupcakes, cookies and cakes make for tasty snacks. They are common breakfast choices. However, they contain ingredients that are high in cholesterol. They are cooked with saturated fats to increase their shelf life. The fats make them high cholesterol products. Milk, eggs, chocolate, and refined flour in the baked products further increase their cholesterol content. Added sugars in some of these products also increase LDL cholesterol while decreasing HDL cholesterol.
5. Fatty meats and organs
Most animal organs are covered with fat or contain a lot of fat. For example, liver contains a huge amount of cholesterol. It’s cholesterol content is 564mg of cholesterol per 100g. That is about 164mg more than the recommended healthy levels. Ordinarily, chicken is a healthy food. However, its skin contains a lot of fat that makes it a high-cholesterol food. Deep frying chicken would further increase the cholesterol levels due to the use of saturated oils.
6. Red meat
Red meat contains more cholesterol and saturated fat per serving than other meats. Beef, pork or lamb can be very delicious. However, they contain high levels of cholesterol. They increase the risk of heart disease.
7. Deli meats
Processed meats account for a big number of cardiovascular disease and stroke cases. Bacon, hot dogs, salami, sausages and bologna are high in calories and saturated fats. A daily consumption of 110gm of processed meats is likely to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease by 19%.