What You Should Eat to Prevent UTI

What You Should Eat to Prevent UTI

If left untreated, urinary tract infections (UTIs) can result in some major complications. This includes the narrowing down of the urethral path as well as damage to the kidneys. While UTIs cannot be avoided entirely, here are some foods to help prevent UTIs: 

Cranberry juice
Cranberry juice is one of the best foods to prevent UTIs. It keeps bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract line. A recent study conducted on women’s health included seven clinical trials. The study showed that cranberry, in general, reduced the chances of UTI development by nearly 26%. The only issue is that most of the cranberry juices are full of sugar. Hence, it’s best to stick to concentrates diluted with water or go for the whole fruits itself.

Broccoli has a very high value of vitamin C. This results in the urine getting acidic. As a result, it hampers the bacteria growth responsible for UTI. Additionally, vitamin C can boost the immune system, too. This helps fight the body’s resistance to infection. If you wish to add more foods with a high content of vitamin C in your diet, then you can include leafy greens, Brussels sprouts, bell peppers, and oranges.    

Cinnamon has been used in foods, owing to its antibacterial nature. It is incredibly rich in compounds that can help in reducing inflammation. It is shown to reduce bacteria growth as well as other pathogens. Certain studies show that different cinnamon compounds can prevent the colonization of E.coli, which can reduce the bacteria formation for UTIs. 

Papaya is loaded with vitamin C, which can support the immune system. It helps in increasing the acidic levels of the urine and hamper bacterial growth overall. Rich in carotenoids, such as lycopene and beta carotene, these antioxidants can help with boosting the immune system. You can additionally also consume carrots, potatoes, and mangoes as they are high in carotenoids levels. 

Kefir is a beverage made from fermented milk. As a result, it is quite rich in different probiotics. Probiotics are a type of beneficial bacteria which can help in preventing UTIs. Probiotics are also known to prevent recurrent UTIs. They may reduce inflammation and support the body’s ability to ward off infections.   

Yogurt is a type of superfood that can prevent UTIs. Like kefir, it is rich in probiotics. Additionally, it does not only kill bacteria in the urinary tract but also through the vagina and the digestive system. 

We recommend that you eat these foods to help prevent UTIs and keep a complete check on your health. UTIs can have a lot of consequences on your health, and hence including these foods in your daily diet can help to a great extent.