The Relationship Between Schizophrenia and Diet

The Relationship Between Schizophrenia and Diet

Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe mental disorder that causes extreme changes in one’s moods. One end of the spectrum is mania, while the other is depression. The condition also leads to hallucinations, delusions, the inability to speak coherently, and constant negative emotions. Statistics reveal that around 20 million people worldwide suffer from this mental disorder. Apart from getting clinical care from psychiatrists, it is equally important to follow a nutritious diet that can help in controlling the symptoms. GIven are some dietary tips that can help one cope better with schizophrenia symptoms as the condition as no complete cure yet.

  • A well-balanced diet

Studies suggest that people suffering from schizophrenia tend to eat less healthily. Their diet contains more fat and less dietary fiber, which can be counterproductive to the condition. They also tend to be less active. As a result, they face increased chances of suffering from physical ailments such as high blood pressure, heart problems, obesity, diabetes, and respiratory problems. It is observed that diabetes is more common in people with serious mental health conditions such as schizophrenia rather than other underlying health conditions. A number of possible reasons for this can be poor diet, lack of exercise, and smoking.

  • Where to start

Once the importance of a well-balanced diet is understood, one must take conscious steps to start maintaining the same. Things like meal-prepping, drawing up a diet chart, and consulting a nutritionist can help one stay in control of their food intake. It is recommended to invest in a good food calorie counter book that has information such as the number of calories and the nutrients present in a food source. There are numerous apps that can help in keeping a count of calories and nutrients consumed each day.

  • A multi-dimensional diet

The main principle of eating healthy is to get plenty of nutrients with every meal. It is recommended to include at least five portions of fruits and vegetables in meals consumed throughout the day. One can use a carb base such as pasta or rice for their meal and include fiber-rich foods such as brown rice or potato skins. A fiber-rich diet will help in feeling fuller for longer, thereby eliminating the probability of weight gain, which is one of the risk factors of schizophrenia. Health experts suggest eating at least three portions of oily fish per week. Oily fish such as mackerel, herring, salmon, trout, sardines, and pilchards contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for good mental health. Cutting down on saturated fats, sugar, and salt that are present in packaged foods and cakes can also aid in improving both physical and mental health.

Staying hydrated is as important as including various nutrients in the daily diet. One must aim to drink at least 1-liter water each day. However, it is recommended to increase the intake in hot weather or while exercising. Drinking fruit juice and milk and other healthy ways to stay hydrated. Drinks containing caffeine such as tea, coffee, and energy drinks should be taken in moderation and only after consulting a nutritionist.