Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis

Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis is a condition marked by the formation of a blood clot. It usually affects the legs. It happens when a person has surgery or when they lack body movement for long. Often, deep vein thrombosis has no noticeable signs, and at other times, there are certain warning signs. Here are the telltale symptoms of deep vein thrombosis to watch out:

Deep vein thrombosis

  • Swelling
    This is one of the main telltale signs of deep vein thrombosis. The affected person experiences swelling in the leg. Some may also experience swelling in the ankle.
  • Warm to touch
    The area of the body that is affectd by deep vein thrombosis will feel warm when you touch it.
  • Cramping sensation
    The patient will develop cramps in the area affected by deep vein thrombosis. This is usually the leg or even lower at the ankle region. Cramps are a common sign of deep vein thrombosis.
  • Pain
    Deep vein thrombosis is always accompanied by severe pain in the leg that is affected. This pain can be unbearable. This pain is a sure sign that you need immediate and urgent medical help.
  • Change in skin color
    Another one of the significant telltale symptoms of deep vein thrombosis is that the skin around the affected part of the body may change color. It may turn red. For some patients, it may even turn into a shade of blue that indicates something is wrong.

Sometimes, deep vein thrombosis may not show any symptoms at all. In many cases, patients do not realize that they have deep vein thrombosis until they develop a side effect known as pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary embolism is a medical condition in which the blood clot separates from its original place in the leg and reaches the lungs. Unfortunately, pulmonary embolism is a severe stage, which is why you should be very particular about this and immediately get medical attention when you notice any symptoms setting in.

Upper extremity deep vein thrombosis
In some cases, the blood clot of a deep vein thrombosis develops in the upper body. These clots can even travel to the lungs and cause a pulmonary embolism. The telltale signs of upper body deep vein thrombosis are:

  • Severe pain that usually impacts the neck and shoulder of the patient
  • Weakness in the arms and hand
  • Warm feeling in the skin of the area that has been impacted
  • Change in the color of the skin to a slightly blue color

These symptoms can sound very vague and almost may be a sign of any other disease. Therefore, it is essential never to ignore these signs, and seek medical help.