How to Prevent the Cold and Flu

How to Prevent the Cold and Flu

Having cold or flu can impact your daily life. It may cause you to miss work, school, or an important event. It also can lead to much discomfort. Although it is not life-threatening, it would be best to avoid the virus that causes cold and flu. 

Here are some prevention tips for cold and flu.

Eat a nutritious diet
The food that goes into your body is the primary way to stay fit and fight off diseases. So, make sure to load up on fruits and vegetables to get all those vitamins. Experts recommend that you eat a colorful selection of fruits and vegetables, such as red, yellow, and purple. Vitamin C found in oranges is known to boost immunity. Nuts and seeds such as walnuts, almonds, and flaxseeds are especially great for health. Experts also say eating yogurt is good for health. Apart from eating right, make sure to limit your intake of sugar and quit alcohol for good health. Eating right may not keep the viruses away, but it can boost your immunity so that you can fight infection easily.

Wash your hands regularly 
This is one of the most important prevention tips for cold and flu. If you touch any surface that has been touched by a person infected with cold and flu, you can also catch it. So, always wash your hands. And make sure to use warm water and scrub for at least 20 seconds. You can even make things better by carrying around a hand sanitizer gel.

Stay safe during the flu season
The best way to prevent getting the flu is to be safe in the flu season. So, try to avoid going to crowded areas like malls and shops during that time. It is especially important to observe this for babies and young children to keep safe and germ-free in the flu season.

Disinfect the home and office
Make sure to disinfect surfaces that you use regularly. This includes tables and phones at work and at home. Clean your mobile phone, too. Try not to share towels. Door knobs come into contact with several hands and are especially in need of sanitizing.

Sleep well
Getting at least eight hours of sleep at night is crucial to your health. Studies show that people who sleep less have lower immunity and are more likely to fall ill with cold and flu.

Minimize stress
Stress is a known cause of many illnesses. Research shows that stress can make your immune system weak. Relax and indulge in a hobby to reduce stress. Some experts recommend socializing to relax. Relaxing is known to help your immune system work at its optimum best levels.