8 Tips to Manage an Overactive Bladder

8 Tips to Manage an Overactive Bladder

An overactive bladder is characterized by the frequent urge to use the washroom for urination. People who suffer from this condition may find it challenging to lead a normal life. It can even cause social embarrassment.

Here are some lifestyle tips for an overactive bladder that can help you:

Ensure a healthy and uninterrupted sleep pattern
One of the most difficult things to maintain when you have an overactive bladder is a sleeping pattern. It is essential to have an uninterrupted sleep. We recommend avoiding consuming fluids after 6 o’clock so that the bladder is empty during bedtime.

Eliminate caffeine
Caffeine is said to be a diuretic. It is best to avoid medications with caffeine in them, too. In general, it is ideal to steer clear from coffee. It can create an urge for bathroom trips frequently. This is one of the lesser-known yet effective lifestyle tips for an overactive bladder.

Time your fluids and liquids properly
An overactive bladder can surely be a hindrance for people who work often and need to have a proper schedule. Hence, we recommend you to get your liquids and fluids properly panned out. It is best to avoid consuming all liquids before the sun goes down, and after that, only to eat solid foods.

Opt for Kegel exercises
With problems like these, one of the best lifestyle tips for overactive bladder is Kegel exercises. One of the best ways to do this is by tightening the urinary muscles for three to five seconds and then releasing them for ten seconds. This can keep you from going for frequent bathroom breaks.

Opt for a fiber-rich diet
In case you do have overactive bladder, we recommend you to opt for a diet that has a lot of fiber. The reason for this is that when you have an overactive bladder, your body loses a lot of water. With a fiber-rich diet, you would be able to avoid issues like constipation.

Try losing weight
Being underweight or overweight are equally harmful. It is best to shed those few extra pounds if you’re overweight. Weight is considered to be a common cause behind overactive bladders, and this can be combatted with a proper weight maintenance regime.

Analyze your medications properly
Certain medicines, especially the ones that consist of diuretics and caffeine, can aggravate your overactive bladder. We would recommend you speak to your doctor and confirm whether you are consuming any such medicines to eliminate them.

Never assume
Just like you should not self-medicate, eliminating a medicine that you feel can aggravate your overactive bladder can also be a problem. Do not assume; speak to a medical expert before you make any changes.

We hope these lifestyle tips for overactive bladder help you better deal with this problem and live around your issue without much hassle.