5 Hacks to Make Yard Work Easy

5 Hacks to Make Yard Work Easy

Yard work can be fun. You’ll be outside in the fresh air, building muscle and burning calories as you rake and mow your overgrown lawn. There’s nothing better than spending time outside in the sun on a beautiful summer day with a cold beer or ice-cold lemonade! There are many benefits associated with keeping a healthy lawn, such as removing dog urine and feces, pests like moles, and many others.

Here are five easy hacks to make yard work easy:

1. Fertilize and mulch frequently
If you fertilize your grass at least twice a month, you’ll find that it will be thicker, greener, and more resilient to wear and tear. Additionally, adding a thick layer of mulch to your grass will keep the roots cool and moist. The process is important because it prevents weeds from growing and nourishes the grass. This helps your grass to stay green and prevents any weird discoloration. Additionally, you should use three inches of mulch on your grass.

2. Mow high and regularly
One important thing you need to do is mow high and often. You may want to get your grass cut at a certain height, such as two or three inches. If you start when your grass is that short and remove the tips only, you’ll find that the grass will grow back in thicker than it was before. If you are going to use a riding lawnmower, it’s best to leave at least one inch of grass. This keeps your lawn healthy and green without exposing the dirt.

3. Aerate your lawn
Once every two months or so, you should aerate your lawn with a tool. First, use a metal rake to pull up the thatch that covers the dirt in your yard. This will loosen it for easy removal. For the deepest penetration, use a machine that has tines at least an inch long but not much longer than 2 inches. The time length is important because if they are too short, they just make holes in the ground but don’t actually remove roots and dirt from beneath.

4. Consider hiring a professional lawn service
If you find that you’re not able to keep up with the yard work and you still want it to look great, you may want to consider hiring a professional lawn service. They can come in and do most of the work for you! Whereas before, you’d spend hours mowing your lawn and trimming it, now they do that for you. This saves time and energy that can be better spent elsewhere! One beneficial aspect of these services is that they can cut your grass in a more high-quality manner than you can. They possess the right lawn mowers and lawn maintenance equipment to ensure that your lawn looks great. A professional service will often offer more than just mowing and trimming. You may pay an extra fee for them to sweep your driveway, rake the leaves and clean up any other messes around your home.

5. Water early
If you water your grass early in the day, it will actually grow better! This is because, in the morning sun, grass absorbs water more easily than during the scorching heat of the afternoon. This helps avoid overwatering that can cause dead spots and make your yard feel mushy and muddy.

Luckily, mowing and trimming your lawn can be a fun and easy way to keep the lawn healthy and green with a few lawn hacks. The process of maintaining a stunning lush yard is key in making yard work enjoyable and worthwhile.