5 Expert Tips for Ensuring Car Tire Safety

5 Expert Tips for Ensuring Car Tire Safety

With highly competitive car rental rates and reasonable gas prices (for once), summer travel is soon going to kick off all across the country. A lot of people prefer to drive to their summer destinations. Be it visiting their family, going on a beach vacation, or exploring the back roads, a road trip is the perfect way to explore the scenic route you may pass on your way to the destination.

5 car tire safety tips for a road trip
Before you plan a road trip, the driver should always take note of the car tire safety rules To help you with the same, we have come up with a list of five expert tips for tire safety that you can follow for your next road trip.

  • Tire pressure
    Tire inflation has a definite impact on the wheel performance and the safety of the riders. Thus, it should be maintained effectively for optimized tire life, good mileage, and phenomenal driving experience. It is inevitable that the tire inflation will dip as a result of the hot weather outside. Additionally, the tire pressure also goes down by 1 PSI every month. Thus, whenever you plan a road trip, you should check the tire pressure. If you ride with an over-inflated tire, the tires are at a higher risk of being affected by road hazards such as debris and potholes.
  • Tire tread
    The hot temperature outside can spell a huge disaster for your tire. With the heat, the rubber around the tire breaks down, causing it to wear out faster. Consequently, the tire is less effective at gripping the road. Thus, it is important to check the tire tread before you head out for any road trip that will require a drive of over two hours. You can easily check the same with a tire tread depth gauge.
  • Wear and tear
    When you inspect the tire for tread, you should also examine it for the bruises, bumps, or any other visible damage. It is a mandatory car tire safety tip, for road trips especially, that you shouldn’t ignore. A worn-out tire will have a direct impact on the tire pressure level and the overall driving performance. It might not be easy to spot a bubble or a bulge, but it can be a cause of a tire defect or an air leak that may hamper the safety or the performance of the wheel. Thus, if there’s an issue or defect with the tire, it is best to swap it immediately.
  • Tire alignment
    Check for the wheel alignment before you head out for a long trip. After every 12,000 miles, you should take your vehicle for a wheel alignment inspection. When the wheel alignment is off, it can hamper the performance and the mileage. It is necessary to prevent abnormal tread wear, vibration, road noise, and skidding.
  • Spare tire
    Lastly, do not forget a spare tire. Always have an extra tire because you never know when you’ll need it.